Legend has it that Cuchulain rested here at night, while single highhandedly defending Ulster against the armies of Maeve.
Some of the highlights are the Ice House, Toba na Splinne Holy Well and Cromwell’s Bridge. The ruins of Fleming’s Castle can still be seen as well as Sarah’s Well and Sarah’s Bridge, built in 1801, Sarah was a young woman who was in a relationship for so long that when her lover eventually proposed to her that she fell off the bridge in shock. There is of course another suggestion that she could have met her death in more suspicious circumstances.
There have been other claimed reports of paranormal goings on at Dun a Rí Forest Park – it is claimed that an American couple had photographs taken at the wishing well but when the photographs were developed, as well as their friends being in the picture, there was also an elderly man with a long beard.
Cromwell’s Bridge is an old high-arched bridge is thought to have been built by the Normans during their invasion in the 12th century. Cromwell’s troops crossed it in the 17th, on their way to attack the castle of the O’Reillys at nearby Muff. The bridge overlooks an ancient Holy Well called Tobar na Splinne.